Refund Policy

Refund Policy (RoadTo10x)

RoadTo10x is committed to providing exceptional service and support to its enrolls. It is our policy to engage actively with our students, addressing any dissatisfaction promptly and thoroughly.

Notwithstanding our dedication to student satisfaction, refunds may be considered under extraordinary circumstances, specifically:

 Failure to provide access to the course content.
 Non-conduction of the stipulated 90-day gameplan consultation.
 Inaccessibility to the designated community forum.
 Lack of tangible results following 60 days of diligent implementation, supported by adequate evidence.
 Non-response to inquiries and concerns during LIVE sessions.

Eligibility for a refund is contingent upon the student submitting a formal request within fifteen 15 days of commencing the programme, provided that the aforementioned criteria are satisfied.

Enrolment in RoadTo10x signifies an agreement, entered into voluntarily by the student, acknowledging the necessity of personal application of course materials to achieve desired outcomes. It is understood that while the instructors will provide support and guidance in overcoming obstacles, the primary responsibility for application rests with the student, within the bounds of the curriculum.

Termination Policy

Please be advised that enrollment may be terminated without refund under the following conditions:

 Engagement in fraudulent activities, including but not limited to unauthorized duplication of content, sharing of login credentials with unauthorized users, and resale of course materials.

 Verbal disrespect directed towards members of the Confetti Logics Private Limited or fellow community members.

 Participation in activities deemed inappropriate by the Confetti Logics Private Limited, such as the dissemination of unsolicited, unprofessional communications.

 For further inquiries or information, please contact us via email at